Team Member(s):
- Chris Duranti
Project Proposal:
What if we had a way that maintains the targeted nature of ye age old bulletin board, but is adapted to be convenient so that people will actually read it?
All over UBC are scattered bulletin boards, which are an informal way of transmitting an offer, request, event, or something else to a particular group of people. Have you ever really stopped and looked at all the stuff posted on them? Probably not, but people post some really neat things. The great thing about these postings is that they’re targeted. People are defined by where they go, so one can place a flyer in a place that their target audience frequents, knowing that the correct eyes will fall on it. The problem is that bulletin boards are located in hallways and foyers, meaning that the people that see them are passing by on their way to something else, often in a hurry.
What if we had a way that maintains the targeted nature of ye age old bulletin board, but is adapted to be convenient so that people will actually read it? The idea is SmartBulletin, which uses the location aware abilities of a smartphone via WiFi to get an idea of where one goes on c ampus, and then selects events that are “pinned” to buildings via a web interface. The user can then read, on their phone at a convenient time, the offers, requests, and events their phone has filtered for them. So, instead of being uninformed of what’s going on right around you, you can get informed while on the bus, sitting outside in the sun, on your couch, or waiting in that massive line at Timmy’s.
- 04/MAR/2013
Message from Chris:
“Smart Bulletin is now integrated with Facebook! In addition to making directing relevant bulletins towards you based on location data, it also takes into account the events that your Facebook friends are attending. I’ve also added some features for greater interaction with the app, so the data collected there can be used to pick out the highest quality events around campus and direct those towards you.”