Team Member(s):
- Bio Cho
Project Proposal:
Lost on your first day? Wish you knew where your friends were? Need to organize a meeting? UBCme will be designed to help students organize and simplify their university experience with their smartphone or tablet. UBCme will allow students to easily view their timetables, compare and share them with friends, organize lunchtime and study group meetings, and navigate between classes. With the rise of social media, seamless Facebook integration allows for a streamlined sharing experience. Students can share their timetable with their Facebook friends or post it to their Facebook timeline or groups. Don’t have a lunch buddy? UBCme will allow you to overlay schedules of two or more friends and produce a calendar view or list of non-conflicting blocks of time. Can’t find your class? Students can tap on a class name in their timetable view for directions to their class. With the possibility for additional features such as automatic grade notification, large-scale meeting organization, and a textbook marketplace, we are excited about the potential UBCme has for the students of UBC!