What’s Appening

Event calendar

Team Member(s):

  • Jason Mastalir
  • Bartlomiej Kozdras

Project Proposal:

One of the staples of university student life is student engagement. UBC has a thriving social community with many events taking place everyday. Nonetheless, current tools for researching the options lack flexibility, many events are not listed and events that are listed are difficult to find. Our app is a multi-faceted platform that will allow students to browse through the available events happening on and off campus, save them to their personal calendar, locate them on a map and share with their friends through social media or text messages. The app will be open so that anyone can list an event and the events can be sorted by date, topic or host club/organization. Users will be able to view a map that displays their location and the location of the event making it easier to get to. The goals of implementing our app are to increase awareness of university events, increase attendance at events and support a more social and connected community at UBC.