Thanks to everyone who came and participated in today’s event. Your tough questions and votes were very much appreciated. Thanks to everyone who watched us online. Thank you to all of our judges who had the difficult task of evaluating all of the finalists.
Congratulations to all the finalists for making it this far in the competition. Finally, congratulations to our winners!
We’d like everyone to stay tuned for more news about V.2.0 of the competition coming soon. This first round is focused on mobile apps but in the words of one of our judges, David Vogt:
There are so many dimensions of the future UBC in a digital sense… How we can make UBC the smartest campus in the world; leveraging all the facilities, the multicultural, global community we have here.
Let us know in the comments your response to the question, “what theme should Digital *U tackle next”?
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Trophy icon by Pedro Ramalho from the Noun Project.
Join us on Monday, March 11 at the Dodson Room in the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre for the final judging to determine the winner of the inaugural Digital *U Mobile App Contest!
The program starts at 11AM for a “trade show” style event, come and meet the five finalists and learn more about their submissions. At noon, we hear opening remarks from one of the judges and hear each team’s final pitches. Judges will be deliberate at 1:30PM and the winners will be announced!
First place will receive $5,000 while second-place will receive $3,000.
Everyone is invited to come, feel free to bring your own lunch and support your favorites!
Monday, March 11, 2013
11:00AM – Noon | Meet and Greet Finalists
Noon – 1:30PM | Final Team Pitches
1:30PM – 2:00PM | Winners Announced
Dodson Room, 3rd Floor, Irving K. Barber Learning Centre
Since October, 2012 we have received over 40 submissions from different groups across the UBC community. Applications tackled a range of ideas from a course scheduling app, to an app to help you find study space, to a digital coach-trainer for athletes.
Our panel of judges deliberated all the submissions and choose the five finalists who will go on to the final round of judging on an event on March 11.
Below are the five finalists in no particular order:
Everyone is invited to come the final round of judging in a “Dragon’s Den” style event on March 11 at the Irving K. Barber Learning Centre. The event will also be broadcasted live via a Google Hangout.
More details will be announced soon.
In the meantime, explore and rate the proposals from the finalists as well as the submissions who did not make it. Feel free to leave some feedback to help the groups refine and improve on their ideas.
A mobile version of Connect that shows all relevant information and performs same functions as though one were accessing Connect on the computer. Some features: calendar syncing of assignment due dates, midterms, exams; push notifications to give reminders of due dates & add/drop course due dates; and more!
A lightweight mobile application which empowers a UBC student with knowledge, access, and interactive feedback, to be leveraged as a preventative medicine tool. It will utilize a single login to access the Student Health Centre (appointments, referrals, lab results), gym (personal usage statistics from birdcoop and aquatic centre), AMS Card (meal-plan calorie tracking), UBC Health and Wellness Centre, and will provide an RSS feed of health-related events via UBC Events. Furthermore, it is intended that this application will provide a secure video-conference between the student and a healthcare professional, including therapists. This application will maintain HIPAA compliance, and require minimal setup (student identifies goals (if any), and can set up alerts/reminders.
The existing popular classroom voting system – i>clicker is powerful considering the fact that it increases the interactivity of the classroom activity, and that it allows students to provide feedback in an efficient way. However, the system requires everyone to buy an i>clicker remote and to bring it to the class, which is inconvenient. Nowadays, mobile devices, such as cell phones and tablets are becoming universal. Our project focuses on how to make use of these devices to support classroom activities, and in a better way if possible. A web-click system will be built, which covers most of the major cell phones or tablets platforms, such as iOS, Android, etc. Also, SMS service will be included to support students who don’t own above devices and are not willing to buy one. By involving these devices, students will have a larger range of choices of which device to choose from for their classroom activity.